Copyright 2010-2022

Displacement Paths, Network Ecologies, a multimedia digitally-designed
edited collection, edited by Amanda Starling Gould and Florian Wiencek, online, Franklin Humanities Institute, Summer 2016.

Hot Mess: Breaking the Skin,Black Sun Lit, online, August 6, 2014.

Hot Mess: Teasing the Skin, in Vestiges_00: Ex-statis, beauty as the
experience of the limit, Black Sun Lit, Winter 2015.

Conditions of a Morning, essay for exhibition, Armature Art Space, Brooklyn, N, 2014.

Chaos, Complexity, and Double Vision , Abstract Critical, online, co-authored with Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, May 29, 2014.

Projected Geometry of Betweeness, illustrated text, 2013.